The Suicide Squad: James Gunn On How It Relates To David Ayer’s Film, And Why It’s Different From Guardians – Exclusive Images

Back in 2016, the burgeoning DC Extended Universe followed up superhero jamboree Batman v Superman: Dawn Of Justice with a super-villain (or, anti-hero-at-best) team-up movie, David Ayer’s Suicide Squad – uniting a gang of misanthropic oddballs on a quest they weren’t all supposed to survive. But while the film bagged nearly $750 million at the worldwide box office, it didn’t set the world alight for critics, and was considered a disappointment among many fans. Fast-forward half a decade later, and the bad-guys-on-a-suicide-mission comic book project is getting a brand new lease on life in The Suicide Squad – a not-quite-sequel, not-quite-reboot from Guardians Of The Galaxy filmmaker James Gunn. [Read More]
